Thanks for sharing, Sandi! Very helpful and inspiring, as usual. I love seeing how much information you can get from a single location. And I always love your ducks! 🦆😍

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Loved this! Such a nice video, thanks for sharing, feel like rewatching it now. Enjoying seeing how you’re using your watercolors, with light paper areas showing. 😍😍

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Such a great tip, Sandi. You have just given me a boost. I may only get as far as my back yard but it's do-able and I may just invent some colours and/or objects of interest (to me, of course). There is such beauty all around us and you have pointed out, every time we look, really look, there is inspiration. Thank you, as always.

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I think I've said this before, but thank you for being so generous in sharing your process! I know that you have taught me a LOT over the years, and I bet I'm not alone. I often go to the same parks around my house and paint the same scenes. It'd be neat to pull out all my drawings/paintings and compare them like this!

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This was great! I loved seeing the comparisons of the different sketches from the same location. Thanks for sharing!

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I’ve got four favorite spots to go depending on what I want to paint. I discovered playgrounds are great for all those little pops of color.

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I have recently started taking my sketchbook w/ me on our walks & I have been drawing my neighbor’s farm each time. Since I prefer to travel lightly, I think it’s time to bring materials other than my markers. I have the very first sketch of this farm on my Substack.

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Thanks, Sandi. I need to do this. I’m the opposite and never want to do the same thing twice!

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So true, what a great idea, practice makes perfect !!

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Brilliant, thank you for sharing, Sandi! The same is never the same is it!? When you go back to the location again and again, there's always something different! Some element, like weather, time of day or in terms of seascapes, the tide, all play a part, and so the familiar scene always has a different aspect. Inspirational, thank you!

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I just love that June 14 bridge composition! There's so much movement and story built in there. And the perspective is just wonderful. Every time I see it, it gives me a zing of wanting to crawl inside that world.

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It makes a lot of sense, Sandi, and I’ve noticed you doing this from the beginning of your videos….your pond, your ‘mountain’, your campsite, and recently that duck/goose park area. It gives you a visual library and mental composition ‘memory’. Thanks for showing us all at once the variety you’ve done over time in your different sketchbooks.

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This was very helpful, as are all of your videos. Thanks for showing your lovely interesting sketchbooks.

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It's great to see how all your different versions show the same space in a new way. Really inspiring.

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Great advice, I do go to a couple of local places regular....

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Great advice. Thanks so much, Sandi!

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