Great Sketching Day At Coffee Shop


Sooooooo, I keep forgetting to take pictures when I’m at the coffee shop - urgh! Jeannie and I got a huge table (8 topper!) and we spread out and had the whole thing filled with our supplies. Fortunately, our waiter (who may have also been the manager) was thrilled with having us there. He liked having “artist doing art stuff in the place”. WIN! Grady also won from this visit because I surprised him with a homemade pop tart from the coffee shop 😉.

Even though we had a massive table we were only notice by our server and one other server who was thrilled to see what we were doing and her response was “oh my, I want to have both of you as my best friends”. It was a BEAUTIFUL coffee shop and we were able to ‘spy’ (aka sketch) people without being noticed - it was delightful!

I did manage to snap one photo of Jeannie’s new art roll because my mom asked me to take a picture of her roll all filled up. Since Jeannie is a friend she got one of our art rolls early before the launch. We will be launching our new line in the spring so keep an eye out for that.

I’ve also started painting some larger paintings on paper from my coffee shop sketches so I thought I’d add a couple pics of one of those. The first one (above) is mid painting and the second one (below) is it competed. More finished paintings to come! Hope you’ve enjoyed this post today!

An Artist's Life
An Artist's Life
Sandi Hester